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the flexibility to satisfy the customer's specific design requirements with the highest quality of customised colours, imprints and logos. As our box complies with the standard, we can add the reference B to DIN 13 164.



First-aid boxes for cars DIN 13 164-B


Comply with the applicable standard DIN 13 164 For more information about the DIN contents, please click here


ABS plastic box, heat and deformation resistant, impact resistant


The first-aid box is avaible in many colours, e.g. black, dark blue, grey, red, yellow, light blue, green. The identifying markings are applied using the screen printing process. The coloured ink is petrol and diesel resistent


Approx. W 260 x H 170 x D 82 mm


Approx. 0.75 kg each


The DIN 13 164-compliant content is clearly arranged in a fold-away bag with 6 sections and can be removed easily. For protection during delivery the first-aid box is sealed up in a transparent film. The use-by date of the sterile products is indicated on a sticker. The first-aid material should always be kept up to date and checked at regular intervals, especially in those countries, where providing first-aid is a legal obligation.