The highest quality standards, a sense of tradition, many years of experience and customer satisfaction are still the hallmarks of Hamburger Verbandstoff-Fabrik Hans Hepp GmbH & Co. KG.
(- Hamburger Verbandstoff-Fabrik Hans Hepp GmbH & Co. KG. + Foto history)
When the company was founded in 1936, it was already regarded as a pioneer in the market for first aid equipment.
It was Hans Hepp himself, who gave the company its name. He pioneered the initial equipping of cars with first-aid kits in Germany.
Mr. Hans Hepp persuaded the Mercedes-Benz automotive group to equip its vehicles with a HEPP first-aid kit in 1965. This was agreed on three years before the new DIN standard for carrying a first-aid kit was issued in Germany.
Present day
With over 1.2 million vehicle first-aid bags and boxes every year, HEPP is now one of the leading suppliers of first-aid equipment for the national and international automotive industry.
Mercedes-Benz, BMW, VW and other leading car manufacturers and importers have been regular customers of HEPP for decades. In addition, there are associations and clubs, authorities, pharmacies, wholesalers, specialised and retail trade as well as care and emergency services.
Our quality laboratory not only tests our medical products. We also carry out various ageing tests for the automotive industry in climatic chambers, because a HEPP first-aid bag must be able to save lives all over the world even after several years.
HEPP products can be found on 5 continents, which is why multilingualism is a matter of course for us. Many of our products are printed in several languages. This applies in particular to FIRST AID brochures and DIN directories. Translations are always carried out by state-certified translators. This internationalisation is also taken into account by including country-specific articles in the range.
We stand for long-term job security in Germany and maintaining competitiveness as a supplier to the automotive industry.
Our responsiveness to individual customer requirements, our many years of experience and our contacts in the industry are a guarantee for a positive future.