News – translated to engl

News – translated to engl

20.03.2024 | News

First aid supplies from HEPP in Hamburg are standard in many cars

Fabric for emergencies The specialist for medical textiles produces over 1.5 million first aid kits and boxes every year. These are not only used in an emergency in the event of a car accident, but also for first aid at…

08.03.2023 | News

New obligations to carry a first aid kit and high-visibility waistcoats in the car in Germany:

New vehicle first-aid kit standard supplemented by medical face masks. No obligation to replace existing first aid kits The German standardisation institute DIN has now included face masks in the new first aid kit standard DIN 13164. These are two…

16.03.2021 | News

Cooperation between HANS HEPP and ELBE Werkstätten.

Hans Hepp integrates people with disabilities into everyday working life. Cooperation between HANS HEPP and the sheltered workshops Elbe-Werkstätten. Christian Beckmann, Managing Director of Hans Hepp GmbH & Co KG, is delighted with the good partnership with the Elbe-Werkstätten: ‘As…

16.03.2021 | News

Wound care for the homeless ensured

Employees of the postal distribution centre … and Hamburg-based company HEPP jointly support ‘Angels in the Streets’ It is cold, damp and windy. The dampness creeps into your bones and no roof or shelter offer warm protection: winter is particularly…

05.05.2014 | News

Obligation to carry first aid kits in motorvehicles in Germany

On 1 May 2014, the new obligations to carry first aid materials in motor vehicles came into force. This means that anyone carrying first aid material that complies with the DIN 13164 standard is in compliance with the law. Since…