Social Responsibility
Our responsibility, our values
HANS HEPP GmbH & Co. KG has been run as a privately owned medium-sized company since it was founded over 80 years ago. The management is a member of the ‘Assembly of Honourable Merchants’ in Hamburg, which has existed for over 500 years. We feel particularly committed to these traditional and ethical values. The importance of value-orientated action, balanced between commercial endeavour and social event, is unbroken and the goal of our daily business activities.
- As human beings, we show responsibility.
- As entrepreneurs, we shape responsibility.
- As a member of society, we take responsibility.
Our customers often ask us to confirm these - for us - self-evident facts in times of globalisation.
We hereby do so:
- We respect human rights worldwide and expect this attitude from our business partners (suppliers, service providers and customers).
- As a member of the Employers' Association of the North-West German Textile Industry, we are obliged to comply with all collective agreements. These include, in particular, compliance with working hours, payment of wages and salaries in accordance with the collective agreements and the granting of holidays.
Compliance with German and European legislation is a matter of course for us and we also communicate this expectation to our suppliers and business partners worldwide. This applies in particular to international labour and commercial law, environmental law and medical device law. - Compliance with the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG) - also known colloquially as the Anti-Discrimination Act - which aims to ‘prevent and eliminate discrimination on the grounds of race or ethnic origin, gender, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual identity’ is a matter of course for us. We also communicate this self-image to our business partners if we deem it necessary.
- Child labour is not tolerable for us.
- We ourselves and our suppliers and business partners may not employ anyone against their will.
- We actively involve people with physical or mental disabilities in our value chain.
- We adhere to the compliance guidelines required worldwide and do not tolerate corruption.
- We have a works council in our company and also expect our suppliers and business partners to respect and promote freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining.
- Discrimination is prohibited in our company and we expect the same attitude from our suppliers and partners.
- We promote health and safety in our company through appropriate training courses and tender investigations and also communicate our approach to our business partners where appropriate.
- Our QM system is based on our quality, environmental and energy policy and is certified in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 13485. As occupational health and safety and the careful use of resources are covered by our management system, we do not require additional certification.
- We demonstrate the greatest possible transparency towards our business partners and expect the same from them.We work together with an external data protection consultant and train our employees in handling data of all kinds.
- We respect patent and utility model protection law and do not tolerate plagiarism.
- We communicate our values to our suppliers and business partners and expect them to act in the same way.
Hamburg, 10.02.2021 Ch. Beckmann
HANS HEPP GmbH & Co. KG Dressings and first-aid material