New vehicle first-aid kit standard supplemented by medical face masks. No obligation to replace existing first aid kits
The German standardisation institute DIN has now included face masks in the new first aid kit standard DIN 13164. These are two medical face masks. The German Medical Technology Association (BVMed) provides information on this. The new standard has been in force since 1 February 2022, but first-aid kits according to the previous standard may still be purchased without restriction until 31 January 2023, as they are of equivalent quality. In addition, there is no obligation to replace or retrofit existing first aid kits, BVMed informs. The Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport Affairs is now promptly preparing the amendment to the Road Traffic Licensing Regulations (StVZO), which regulates the obligation to carry first aid kits. An information flyer on the new motor vehicle first-aid kit standard can be downloaded at (
BVMed generally considers it sensible to carry medical face masks in the car. ‘We know from experience that wearing masks lowers the inhibition threshold when providing assistance, similar to gloves. This is about the mutual protection of the accident victim and the first aider,’ says BVMed’s deputy managing director, regulatory expert Dr. Christina Ziegenberg.
The Federal Ministry of Transport had originally proposed introducing a legal obligation to carry masks. BVMed and the DIN standardisation committee NA 06 (dressing materials and containers) suggested regulating this via the first-aid kit standard. The Ministry welcomed this proposal. In recent months, the DIN standardisation committee has developed and intensively discussed an amended standard with the active involvement of BVMed’s ‘First Aid’ department. The revision of the standard took into account the suggestions of the German Social Accident Insurance (DGUV) based on the evaluation of accidents in companies and authorities as well as the current experience of emergency physicians and the current challenges of the coronavirus pandemic.
The most important innovations in the new first-aid kit standard:
– Inclusion of type I face masks in accordance with DIN EN 14683: On the initiative of the legislator and at the suggestion of various associations and organisations, the DIN committee responsible for the ‘First Aid’ sector has included face masks as additional hygiene protection.
– Elimination of a triangular cloth DIN 13168 D: Based on the recommendations of the DGUV and emergency physicians, the standardisation committee has decided that in future only one triangular cloth needs to be included in the first aid kit.
– Discontinuation of the dressing cloth DIN 13152 BR: Based on the recommendations of the DGUV and emergency physicians, the standardisation committee has decided that in future only a triangular cloth must be included in the first aid kit.
The history of the first-aid kit standard:
For 50 years, German lawmakers have made it compulsory to carry a first-aid kit in motor vehicles. The corresponding regulation came into force on 1 August 1969, making it compulsory to carry standardised first aid materials. It has applied to all vehicles since 1 January 1972.
In order to ensure the best possible first aid for injured persons, the equipment in the vehicle first aid kit has been repeatedly modernised and supplemented, for example with disposable gloves and an aluminium-coated rescue blanket. Since 1 July 2000, new vehicle first-aid kits must contain an aluminium-coated rescue blanket.
Contents of the vehicle first aid kit: according to DIN 13164:2022
Note to the media:
Download eines Info-Flyers zur neuen KFZ-Verbandkasten-Norm (
Download von BVMed-Bildern zum Thema Verbandkasten (
BVMed represents over 240 manufacturers, distributors and suppliers in the medical technology industry as well as providers of medical aids and homecare providers. The medical device industry employs over 235,000 people in Germany and invests around 9 per cent of its turnover in research and development. The industry’s total turnover is over 34 billion euros, with an export ratio of 66 per cent. And 93 per cent of medtech companies are SMEs. BVMed is the voice of the German MedTech industry and, in particular, of small and medium-sized MedTech companies.
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