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HEPPPLAST plasters and self-adhesive bandages

In order to complement our first-aid materials we stock a wide range of eudermic, hypoallergenic, waterproof and elastic plasters and self-adhesive bandages made from polyamide non-woven fabric.

• Ranges of plaster strips in various widths and lengths (20 or 50 in a pack)

• Plaster strips to the customer's requirements (e.g. packed in a dustproof pouch)

• 10 pcs. self-adhesive bandages 100 x 60 mm or 100 x 80 mm

• 5 m self-adhesive bandages made from eudermic, hypoallergenic, waterproof and elastic polyamide non-woven fabric, in a dispenser box in widths of 40/60/80 mm.




HEPP Plaster for children

• Pack à 10 pcs (2 sizes) or 20 pcs (3 sizes), printed with funny motives








HEPP Plaster selection

• Selection of plasters, 132 pcs. "Strips" - various sizes and styles, individually sealed, woundpad steamed with aluminium, all in a lightblue plastic box.










Children’s  plaster box, light blue
(Ref.-Nr. 93813)
Assortment with 20 plasters strips


5 plaster strips 6 x 10 cm
5 plaster strips 1.9 x 7.2 cm
5 plaster strips 1.9 cm x 7.2 aluminized
5 pcs. , approximately 2.5 cm in diameter
1 small metal scissors


Children’s  plaster box, light blue with multi-colored sticker on the front and back.


Approx.. W 115 x H 90 x D 20 mm


The HEPP children’s plaster show funny motifs for children and are suitable for all minor wounds or injuries. They protect children’s wounds from dirt and bacteria.