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flash warning light

In contrast to passive Euro-Warning triangles (they reflect the light striking them), a warning lamp flashes actively to provide protection.


You can place the warning lamp to act as a signal on the road surface or on top of your vehicle. Carried in the hand it will increase the safety of the user and can also serve as a torch. The lamp is battery operated and is well protected in a robust plastic box.




Warning light ( Ref.-No.. 91995)

  • Plastic  case orange / black
  • Bi-color lights: white continuous light / yellow turn signal flashing
  • Battery version (without batteries)
  • Hard box for storage / black
  • Halogen P30







Warning light ( Ref.-No.. 91994)

  • Plastic  case orange / black
  • orange color light
  • continuous light or signal flashing
  • Battery version (without batteries)
  • Carton box with information